Tips for Being a Mental Health Advocate

Mental health is a big part of our overall wellness, and it includes emotional health, cognitive health, and our relationships. To be a mental health advocate means supporting the mental health of those around us, ourselves included, and promoting positive ways of addressing mental health in our daily lives.

Mental health advocates stand up for those who are struggling and those who may not have a voice. They take risks and show their vulnerability by speaking truth in hopes of encouraging others to do the same. They remind us that we are not alone in our challenges and that there are always opportunities for hope and healing throughout our journey. Ultimately, their actions and words help shatter stereotypes and stigmas associated with mental health and mental illness, creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for everyone

In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, you’re encouraged to strengthen your mental health advocacy. Here are some ways you can reduce stigma and be an advocate:

Together, we can change how the world views mental health. We can continue the mental health movement by speaking out, sharing our stories, and showing others that they are not alone.